ICMS - 2024
1st - 3rd February
Organized by
Department of Animal Biology
School of Life Sciences
University of Hyderabad
School of Life Sciences
University of Hyderabad

About ICMS
Molecular signaling is pivotal in cellular communication, enabling cells to interact and respond to diverse external signals such as hormones, neurotransmitters, growth factors, and environmental stimuli. Molecular signaling encompasses various critical aspects of human, animal, and plant pathogenesis, including host-pathogen interactions, drug interactions, medical microbiology, inflammation, and oxidative stress.
The primary aim of ICMS-2024 is to develop a cohesive platform for interdisciplinary information exchange. This platform is designed to facilitate interaction, idea sharing, and the cultivation of productive collaborations among accomplished scientists, emerging researchers, and students. Given the contemporary concerns surrounding the ethical use of animals in research, a dedicated session on Animal Ethics will be one of the focal points during the conference.
The first ICMS was held in the year of 2012 at Shankarpur, West Bengal. This humble beginning blossomed into a remarkable transformation as ICMS expanded its participants base, gradually evolving into one of the most scientific intense conferences. The subsequent venues of ICMS were Shantiniketan, West Bengal (2013); IIT Roorkee (2014); NEHU, Shillong (2015); Anna University, Chennai (2017); University of Hyderabad (2018); Pune (2019); IICB-Kolkata (2023). Over time, ICMS garnered immense recognition and acclaim, earning prominence in experts from diverse fields' hearts and minds.
With this tremendous momentum, the Department of Animal Biology, University of Hyderabad, takes pride in organizing ICMS-2024 to provide an enriching scientific experience that will leave a lasting impression.
A very warm welcome to all the delegates attending ICMS 2024!!!
Dr. Suresh Yenugu,
Organizing Secretary
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